Terms & Conditions
Veterinary Referral
Animals will only be seen for physiotherapy in accordance with the Veterinary Surgeon's Act 1966 and exemptions order 2015. This states that all animals MUST have referral/consent from their veterinary surgeon unless for purely maintenance sessions when the animal has no previously diagnosed medical issues. Any physiotherapy assessment and/or treatment may be discussed with your veterinary surgeon as required. Townend Veterinary Physiotherapy may also refer your animal back to their veterinary surgeon if further investigation is needed at any stage during treatment. An owner consent form must also be completed prior to an initial appointment.
Inappropriate or unsafe circumstances
Townend Veterinary Physiotherapy reserves the right to refuse treatment if the animal requires veterinary treatment prior to physiotherapy or if they deem it to be unsafe or inappropriate to treat (for example in the event of undiagnosed lameness, infectious or contagious diseases, ill health of the animal or behavioural issues).
Cancellations MUST be made at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. The client is liable to pay in full the price of the physiotherapy session if cancelation is made under 24 hours prior to the appointment, or if the appointment is a 'no show'. If your animal has an illness or contagious disease, appointments must be rescheduled, and you will not be charged in this situation. If treatment is refused after assessment due to the need for referral back to the vet to receive veterinary treatment prior to physiotherapy, half the charge of the treatment will be charged.
If you are claiming for veterinary physiotherapy treatment from your insurance company, you must ensure you have approval from your insurance company and referral from your veterinarian prior to treatment.
Payment may be made by cash, card or BACs at the time of treatment.
For equine patients
All horses need to be dry and brushed off so that they are free of visible mud to allow effective assessment and treatment to take place.
For canine patients
Please ensure that there is a clear area for physiotherapy treatment to take place, where your dog can comfortably lie down. Ensure you have a lead available and that they are dry and not muddy.
​Privacy Policy
Townend Veterinary Physiotherapy follows the Data Protection Act 2018 to ensure all of our clients data remains secure. To provide thorough and tailored veterinary physiotherapy sessions for your animal, personal data has to be collected, such as your name, address and contact details, plus details of your animal and their registered veterinary practice. This will be collected either verbally, electronically via email/website, or via other forms of messaging e.g. mobile phone. This data will only be shared with your veterinary surgeon to gain consent for veterinary physiotherapy treatment. Veterinary reports will also be sent to your veterinary surgeon after each treatment to update them on your animal’s progress. All personal data will be kept in a password protected file on a password protected computer to ensure it remains secure. Your data will not be used for any marketing purposes or be passed on to any third parties without prior consent. All personal data will be kept for 7 years after your animals last treatment as specified by our insurance company and our professional organisations – NAVP and RAMP. After this your data will be securely destroyed unless you remain a client. If you are unhappy with any of the services that we provide, request a copy of the data I hold or wish to amend or remove your data please contact me on townendvetphysio@gmail.com
​By confirming your physiotherapy appointment, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated above.